Friday, July 11, 2008

He's back…

Yes, Bobo is back. The Princess is here as well but the fifteen minute trip in a motorcar has left her a trembling wreck. She'll might possibly grace me with an audience later this evening. They are here for their annual week-long visit. It always strikes me as funny that when taken out of their transport satchels it's quite clear both of them can sense my apartment is someplace they have been before; they're a little upset but certainly not panicked. Perhaps a year ago is too distant in the past for their tiny kitty brains to remember with any clarity. Princess always hides for a while & honestly, I may not actually see her until I open the food can tomorrow morning. However Bobo, being a bit of the tough guy, swaggers (with a bit of well camouflaged nervousness) around the apartment taking possession of everything; claiming it all with a cheek rub. In typical macho tom cat fashion he will invariably save my cheek rub for last. I always imagine that they're having this tremendous deja vu experience; it's all strange, yet still mysteriously familiar…

They've seen this: smelled this before, but can't quite remember when.

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