Monday, September 15, 2008

Full Autumn Moon, 2008

Am I taking the same photograph over & over? I'm having a difficult time determining if these moon studies are interesting variations on a theme or just repetitive. There's just something about the painterly quality & the slightly melancholic mood that I find very appealing.

On a completely unrelated side note: as I was hanging out of my third floor attic window & attempting to brace my camera for the three-second exposure needed to take this photo (looking back on it now, an imprudent & risky position for a man my age to assume simply for some creative diversion) ~ out of the corner of my eye I noticed something fly by me. Very fast & quite close to my head. At first I assumed it was some sort of large insect but then realized there aren't any insects that large, or that fast, around here. 

It was a small bat!

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