Garden Spider, 2008
That freshly spun web is about thirty inches in diameter. If anyone knows what species of spider this is, I'd be interested in knowing. By the way Mig, this is definitely not the Max Fleischer inspired, rail riding, derby wearing, musical saw playing, Big Rock Candy Mountain singing, spirit guide Hobo spider I imagined…
Although it's probably almost as big.
i put my face through a web a lot like those out trimming my hedge last weekend, and thought of max fleischer.
Man, I've done the same thing & it is the creepiest feeling… What precious little macho attitude I have flies right out the window & I jump around shrieking like little Miss Muffet. I'm always convinced that the spider is still somewhere on my person. Fortunately for my ego, this usually occurs at 11pm in the relative privacy of my driveway when I'm taking the garbage cans out to the curb.
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